title: "🔳 <code>l2hmc-qcd</code> Example: 4D SU(3)"
date: 2023-12-06
formats: 'ipynb,py,qmd'
extension: .qmd
format_name: quarto
format_version: '1.0'
jupytext_version: 1.16.2
display_name: Python 3 (ipykernel)
language: python
name: python3
## Imports
# %load_ext autoreload
# %autoreload 2
# %matplotlib inline
import os
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional
import logging
import matplotlib_inline
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import torch
import yaml
import ambivalent
import numpy as np
import lovely_tensors as lt
matplotlib_inline.backend_inline.set_matplotlib_formats('svg' )
os.environ['CUDA_VISIBLE_DEVICES' ] = '6'
os.environ['COLORTERM' ] = 'truecolor;'
port = np.random.randint(5000 , 6000 )
os.environ['MASTER_PORT' ] = f" { port} "
log_config = get_logging_config()
log = logging.getLogger('name' )
log.setLevel("INFO" )
from l2hmc.utils.dist import setup_torch
RANK = setup_torch(precision= 'float64' , backend= 'DDP' , seed= 4351 )
plt.style.use(ambivalent.STYLES["ambivalent" ])
plt.rcParams['figure.figsize' ] = plt.rcParamsDefault['figure.figsize' ]
<!-- ```{python} -->
<!-- import ezpz as ez -->
<!-- ``` -->
<!-- ::: {.callout-tip icon="false" title="output:", style="style="width:100%; background-color: var(--bg-transparent)!important; border-color: var(--collapsed-border-color)!important;"} -->
::: {.callout-tip icon=false aria-title="output" title='[ `output`: ] {.dim-text}' collapse="true" style="text-align: left!important; width:100%; background-color:rgba(131,131,131,0.05)!important; border: 1px solid rgba(131,131,131,0.3)!important; opacity:100%;"}
::: {.cell-output .cell-output-display}
[ Sams-MacBook-Pro.local:56401 ] shmem: mmap: an error occurred while determining whether or not /var/folders/53/5t2nv83136j76rld14vgfh2h0000gq/T//ompi.Sams-MacBook-Pro.503/jf.0/226820096/sm_segment.Sams-MacBook-Pro.503.d850000.0 could be created.
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:34</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">__init__</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">136</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Setting logging level to < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'INFO'</ span > on < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'RANK == 0'</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:34</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">__init__</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">137</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Setting logging level to < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'CRITICAL'</ span > on < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'RANK != 0'</ span >< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:34</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">__init__</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">138</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > To disable this behavior, and log from ALL ranks < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > (</ span > not recommended< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > )</ span > , set: < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'export LOG_FROM_ALL_RANKS=1'</ span > in your environment, and re-run.< br >
Using device: cpu
[ 2024-07-04 11:44:38,445 ] [INFO] [ real_accelerator.py:203:get_accelerator ] Setting ds_accelerator to mps (auto detect)
W0704 11:44: 39.287000 8461388800 torch/distributed/elastic/multiprocessing/redirects.py:27] NOTE: Redirects are currently not supported in Windows or MacOs.
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:39</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #F4511E; text-decoration-color: #F4511E">WARNING</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">dist</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">332</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Setting default dtype: float64
< br >
def savefig(fig: plt.Figure, fname: str , outdir: os.PathLike):
pngfile = Path(outdir).joinpath(f"pngs/ { fname} .png" )
svgfile = Path(outdir).joinpath(f"svgs/ { fname} .svg" )
pngfile.parent.mkdir(exist_ok= True , parents= True )
svgfile.parent.mkdir(exist_ok= True , parents= True )
fig.savefig(svgfile, transparent= True , bbox_inches= 'tight' )
fig.savefig(pngfile, transparent= True , bbox_inches= 'tight' , dpi= 300 )
def plot_metrics(metrics: dict , title: Optional[str ] = None , ** kwargs):
from l2hmc.utils.rich import is_interactive
from l2hmc.configs import QUARTO_OUTPUTS_DIR
outdir = Path(f" { QUARTO_OUTPUTS_DIR} /plots-4dSU3/ { title} " )
outdir.mkdir(exist_ok= True , parents= True )
for key, val in metrics.items():
fig, ax = plot_metric(val, name= key, ** kwargs)
if title is not None :
log.info(f"Saving { key} to { outdir} " )
savefig(fig, f" { key} " , outdir= outdir)
if not is_interactive():
def plot_metric(
metric: torch.Tensor,
name: Optional[str ] = None ,
** kwargs,
assert len (metric) > 0
if isinstance (metric[0 ], (int , float , bool , np.floating)):
y = np.stack(metric)
return plot_scalar(y, ylabel= name, ** kwargs)
element_shape = metric[0 ].shape
if len (element_shape) == 2 :
if isinstance (metric, torch.Tensor):
y = grab_tensor(torch.stack(metric))
else :
y = np.stack(metric)
return plot_leapfrogs(y, ylabel= name)
if len (element_shape) == 1 :
if isinstance (metric, torch.Tensor):
y = grab_tensor(torch.stack(metric))
else :
y = np.stack(metric)
return plot_chains(y, ylabel= name, ** kwargs)
if len (element_shape) == 0 :
if isinstance (metric, torch.Tensor):
y = grab_tensor(torch.stack(metric))
else :
y = np.stack(metric)
return plot_scalar(y, ylabel= name, ** kwargs)
raise ValueError
def main():
from l2hmc.experiment.pytorch.experiment import train_step
from l2hmc.configs import CONF_DIR
su3conf = Path(CONF_DIR).joinpath('su3-min-cpu.yaml' )
assert su3conf.is_file()
# su3conf = Path('su3-min-cpu.yaml')
with su3conf.open ('r' ) as stream:
conf = dict (yaml.safe_load(stream))
overrides = dict_to_list_of_overrides(conf)
ptExpSU3 = get_experiment(overrides= [* overrides], build_networks= True )
state = ptExpSU3.trainer.dynamics.random_state(6.0 )
assert isinstance (state.x, torch.Tensor)
assert isinstance (state.beta, torch.Tensor)
assert isinstance (ptExpSU3, Experiment)
xhmc, history_hmc = evaluate(
nsteps= 100 ,
exp= ptExpSU3,
beta= state.beta,
x= state.x,
eps= 0.1 ,
nleapfrog= 1 ,
job_type= 'hmc' ,
nlog= 1 ,
nprint= 2 ,
grab= True
xhmc = ptExpSU3.trainer.dynamics.unflatten(xhmc)
log.info(f"checkSU(x_hmc): { g. checkSU(xhmc)} " )
plot_metrics(history_hmc.history, title= 'HMC' , marker= '.' )
# ptExpSU3.trainer.dynamics.init_weights(
# method='uniform',
# min=-1e-16,
# max=1e-16,
# bias=True,
# # xeps=0.001,
# # veps=0.001,
# )
xeval, history_eval = evaluate(
nsteps= 10 ,
exp= ptExpSU3,
beta= 6.0 ,
x= state.x,
job_type= 'eval' ,
nlog= 1 ,
nprint= 2 ,
grab= True ,
xeval = ptExpSU3.trainer.dynamics.unflatten(xeval)
log.info(f"checkSU(x_eval): { g. checkSU(xeval)} " )
plot_metrics(history_eval.history, title= 'Evaluate' , marker= '.' )
history = {}
x = state.x
for step in range (20 ):
log.info(f'TRAIN STEP: { step} ' )
x, metrics = ptExpSU3.trainer.train_step((x, state.beta))
if (step > 0 and step % 2 == 0 ):
print_dict(metrics, grab= True )
if (step > 0 and step % 1 == 0 ):
for key, val in metrics.items():
try :
except KeyError :
history[key] = [val]
x = ptExpSU3.trainer.dynamics.unflatten(x)
log.info(f"checkSU(x_train): { g. checkSU(x)} " )
plot_metrics(history, title= 'train' , marker= '.' )
# for step in range(20):
# log.info(f"train step: {step}")
# x, metrics = ptExpSU3.trainer.train_step((x, state.beta))
# if step % 5 == 0:
# print_dict(metrics, grab=True)
return x, history
# main()
from l2hmc.experiment.pytorch.experiment import train_step
from l2hmc.configs import CONF_DIR
su3conf = Path(CONF_DIR).joinpath('su3-min-cpu.yaml' )
assert su3conf.is_file()
# su3conf = Path('./conf/su3-min-cpu.yaml')
with su3conf.open ('r' ) as stream:
conf = dict (yaml.safe_load(stream))
overrides = dict_to_list_of_overrides(conf)
ptExpSU3 = get_experiment(overrides= [* overrides], build_networks= True )
::: {.callout-tip icon=false aria-title="output" title='[ `output`: ] {.dim-text}' collapse="true" style="text-align: left!important; width:100%; background-color:rgba(131,131,131,0.05)!important; border: 1px solid rgba(131,131,131,0.3)!important; opacity:100%;"}
::: {.cell-output .cell-output-display}
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:39</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1705502108</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">11</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > {</ span >< span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'annealing_schedule'</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > {</ span >< span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'beta_final'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 6.0</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'beta_init'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 6.0</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > }</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'backend'</ span > : < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'DDP'</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'conv'</ span > : < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'none'</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'dynamics'</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > {</ span >< span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'eps'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 0.1</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'eps_fixed'</ span > : < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > True</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'group'</ span > : < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'SU3'</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'latvolume'</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">1</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">1</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">1</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">1</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'nchains'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 4</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'nleapfrog'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'use_separate_networks'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff0000; text-decoration-color: #ff0000; font-style: italic" > False</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'use_split_xnets'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff0000; text-decoration-color: #ff0000; font-style: italic" > False</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'verbose'</ span > : < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > True</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > }</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'framework'</ span > : < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'pytorch'</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'init_aim'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff0000; text-decoration-color: #ff0000; font-style: italic" > False</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'init_wandb'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff0000; text-decoration-color: #ff0000; font-style: italic" > False</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'learning_rate'</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > {</ span >< span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'clip_norm'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1.0</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'lr_init'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1e-05</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > }</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'loss'</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > {</ span >< span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'charge_weight'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 0.0</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'plaq_weight'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 0.0</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'rmse_weight'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1.0</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'use_mixed_loss'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff0000; text-decoration-color: #ff0000; font-style: italic" > False</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > }</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'net_weights'</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > {</ span >< span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'v'</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > {</ span >< span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'q'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1.0</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 's'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1.0</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 't'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1.0</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > }</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'x'</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > {</ span >< span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'q'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 0.0</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 's'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 0.0</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 't'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 0.0</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > }}</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'network'</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > {</ span >< span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'activation_fn'</ span > : < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'tanh'</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'dropout_prob'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 0.0</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'units'</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">1</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'use_batch_norm'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff0000; text-decoration-color: #ff0000; font-style: italic" > False</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > }</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'restore'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff0000; text-decoration-color: #ff0000; font-style: italic" > False</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'save'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff0000; text-decoration-color: #ff0000; font-style: italic" > False</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'steps'</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > {</ span >< span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'log'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'nepoch'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 10</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'nera'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'print'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'test'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 50</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > }</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'use_tb'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff0000; text-decoration-color: #ff0000; font-style: italic" > False</ span > , < span style = "color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3; font-style: italic" > 'use_wandb'</ span > : < span style = "color: #ff0000; text-decoration-color: #ff0000; font-style: italic" > False</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > }</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:39</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #F4511E; text-decoration-color: #F4511E">WARNING</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">trainer</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">467</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Using torch.float32 on cpu!
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:39</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #F4511E; text-decoration-color: #F4511E">WARNING</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">trainer</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">467</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Using `torch.optim.Adam` optimizer
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:39</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #F4511E; text-decoration-color: #F4511E">WARNING</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">trainer</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">271</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > logging with freq < span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1</ span > for wandb.watch
< br >
state = ptExpSU3.trainer.dynamics.random_state(6.0 )
assert isinstance (state.x, torch.Tensor)
assert isinstance (state.beta, torch.Tensor)
assert isinstance (ptExpSU3, Experiment)
log.info(f"checkSU(x): { g. checkSU(state.x)} " )
::: {.callout-tip icon=false aria-title="output" title='[ `output`: ] {.dim-text}' collapse="true" style="text-align: left!important; width:100%; background-color:rgba(131,131,131,0.05)!important; border: 1px solid rgba(131,131,131,0.3)!important; opacity:100%;"}
::: {.cell-output .cell-output-display}
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:39</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">2027559912</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">1</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080; font-weight: bold" > checkSU</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > (</ span > x< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > )</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > (</ span > tensor< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">4</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > f64 x∈< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.013e-08</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">2.845e-07</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > μ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 9.867e-08</ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > σ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1.240e-07</ span > < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.862e-08</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">4.138e-08</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">2.845e-07</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.013e-08</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > , tensor< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">4</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > f64 x∈< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">5.401e-08</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">5.683e-07</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > μ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1.875e-07</ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > σ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 2.539e-07</ span > < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">6.819e-08</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">5.958e-08</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">5.683e-07</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">5.401e-08</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] )</ span >
< br >
xhmc, history_hmc = evaluate(
nsteps= 10 ,
exp= ptExpSU3,
beta= state.beta,
x= state.x,
eps= 0.1 ,
nleapfrog= 1 ,
job_type= 'hmc' ,
nlog= 1 ,
nprint= 2 ,
grab= True
xhmc = ptExpSU3.trainer.dynamics.unflatten(xhmc)
log.info(f"checkSU(x_hmc): { g. checkSU(xhmc)} " )
plot_metrics(history_hmc.history, title= 'HMC' , marker= '.' )
::: {.callout-tip icon=false aria-title="output" title='[ `output`: ] {.dim-text}' collapse="true" style="text-align: left!important; width:100%; background-color:rgba(131,131,131,0.05)!important; border: 1px solid rgba(131,131,131,0.3)!important; opacity:100%;"}
::: {.cell-output .cell-output-display}
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:39</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">2419635544</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">14</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080; font-weight: bold" > checkSU</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > (</ span > x_hmc< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > )</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > (</ span > tensor< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">4</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > f64 x∈< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">2.341e-16</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.604e-16</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > μ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 2.931e-16</ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > σ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 5.613e-17</ span > < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">2.341e-16</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.604e-16</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">2.624e-16</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.153e-16</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > , tensor< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">4</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > f64 x∈< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.575e-16</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">5.398e-16</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > μ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 4.280e-16</ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > σ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 8.496e-17</ span > < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.575e-16</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">4.483e-16</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.665e-16</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">5.398e-16</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] )</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:39</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving energy to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > HMC</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:40</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving logprob to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > HMC</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:40</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving logdet to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > HMC</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:40</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving acc to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > HMC</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:40</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving sumlogdet to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > HMC</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:41</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving acc_mask to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > HMC</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:41</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving plaqs to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > HMC</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:41</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving sinQ to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > HMC</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:41</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving intQ to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > HMC</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:42</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving dQint to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > HMC</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:42</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving dQsin to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > HMC</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:42</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving loss to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > HMC</ span >
< br >
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# ptExpSU3.trainer.dynamics.init_weights(
# method='uniform',
# min=-1e-16,
# max=1e-16,
# bias=True,
# # xeps=0.001,
# # veps=0.001,
# )
xeval, history_eval = evaluate(
nsteps= 500 ,
exp= ptExpSU3,
beta= 6.0 ,
x= state.x,
job_type= 'eval' ,
nlog= 2 ,
nprint= 5 ,
grab= True ,
xeval = ptExpSU3.trainer.dynamics.unflatten(xeval)
log.info(f"checkSU(x_eval): { g. checkSU(xeval)} " )
plot_metrics(history_eval.history, title= 'Evaluate' , marker= '.' )
::: {.callout-tip icon=false aria-title="output" title='[ `output`: ] {.dim-text}' collapse="true" style="text-align: left!important; width:100%; background-color:rgba(131,131,131,0.05)!important; border: 1px solid rgba(131,131,131,0.3)!important; opacity:100%;"}
::: {.cell-output .cell-output-display}
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:43</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1629827420</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">20</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080; font-weight: bold" > checkSU</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > (</ span > x_eval< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > )</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > (</ span > tensor< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">4</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > f64 x∈< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">9.602e-14</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">0.024</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > μ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 0.009</ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > σ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 0.012</ span > < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">0.024</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">2.063e-13</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">0.014</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">9.602e-14</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > , tensor< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">4</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > f64 x∈< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">1.796e-13</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">0.034</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > μ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 0.013</ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > σ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 0.016</ span > < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">0.034</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.935e-13</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">0.016</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">1.796e-13</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] )</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:43</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving energy to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:43</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving logprob to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:44</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving logdet to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:44</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving sldf to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:44</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving sldb to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:44</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving sld to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:45</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving xeps to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:45</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving veps to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:45</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving acc to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:45</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving sumlogdet to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:45</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving beta to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:46</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving acc_mask to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:46</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving plaqs to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:46</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving sinQ to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:46</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving intQ to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:47</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving dQint to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:47</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving dQsin to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
< span style = "color:#333333;" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:47</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">1984252221</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">10</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span > Saving loss to < span style = "color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000" > /Users/samforeman/projects/saforem2/l2hmc-qcd/qmd/outputs/plots-4dSU3/</ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080" > Evaluate</ span >
< br >
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x = ptExpSU3.trainer.dynamics.unflatten(state.x)
log.info(f"checkSU(x_train): { g. checkSU(x)} " )
# plot_metrics(history, title='train', marker='.')
::: {.callout-tip icon=false aria-title="output" title='[ `output`: ] {.dim-text}' collapse="true" style="text-align: left!important; width:100%; background-color:rgba(131,131,131,0.05)!important; border: 1px solid rgba(131,131,131,0.3)!important; opacity:100%;"}
::: {.cell-output .cell-output-display}
< span style = "color: #-000001; text-decoration-color: #000000" > [ </span><span style="color: #808080; text-decoration-color: #808080">2024-07-04 11:44:49</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ][</span><span style="color: #008000; text-decoration-color: #008000; font-weight: bold">INFO</span><span style="color:#333333;">][ </span><span style="color: #008080; text-decoration-color: #008080; font-style: italic">3331171632</span><span style="color: #2196F3; text-decoration-color: #2196F3">:</span><span style="color:#333333;">2</span><span style="color:#333333;"> ] </ span >< span style = "color: #333333; text-decoration-color: #333333; font-weight: bold" > - </ span >< span style = "color: #800080; text-decoration-color: #800080; font-weight: bold" > checkSU</ span >< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > (</ span > x_train< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > )</ span > : < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > (</ span > tensor< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">4</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > f64 x∈< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.013e-08</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">2.845e-07</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > μ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 9.867e-08</ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > σ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1.240e-07</ span > < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.862e-08</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">4.138e-08</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">2.845e-07</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">3.013e-08</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > , tensor< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">4</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > f64 x∈< span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">5.401e-08</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">5.683e-07</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] </ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > μ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 1.875e-07</ span > < span style = "color: #0000ff; text-decoration-color: #0000ff; font-style: italic" > σ</ span > =< span style = "color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff" > 2.539e-07</ span > < span style = "color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold" > [ </span><span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">6.819e-08</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">5.958e-08</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">5.683e-07</span>, <span style="color: #ff00ff; text-decoration-color: #ff00ff">5.401e-08</span><span style="color: #666666; text-decoration-color: #666666; font-weight: bold"> ] )</ span >