Deep Learning and Foundation Models at Scale
🚀 Scaling: Overview
- ✅ Goal:
- Minimize: Cost (i.e. amount of time spent training)
- Maximize: Performance
Single GPU
See 🤗 Methods and tools for efficient training on a single GPU
Data Parallel Training
- The simplest and most common parallelism technique
- Each GPU:
- has identical copy of model
- works on a unique subset of data
- Multiple copies of the same setup
- each copy gets fed unique data
- all copies compute gradients w.r.t local model
- everyone syncs up before updating weights
- See: Distributed Data Parallel — PyTorch
Data Parallel Training
- Relatively simple to get up and running (minor modifications to code)
- PyTorch – DDP
DeepSpeed - Distributed training with 🤗 Accelerate
- 🎬 “Parallel Training Techniques”
- Need mechanism(s) for communicating across GPUs:
- Collective Communication:
Perform reductions on data (e.g. sum
, min
, max
) across ranks, send result back to everyone.
- Perform a reduction on data across ranks, send to individual
Why Distributed Training?
workers each processing unique batch1 of data:- [
micro_batch_size = 1
] [N
GPUs] [global_batch_size = N
- [
- Smooth loss landscape
- Improved gradient estimators
- Less iterations needed for same number of epochs
- May need to train for more epochs if another change is not made
- e.g. scaling learning rate
lr *= sqrt(N)
- See: Large Batch Training of Convolutional Networks
Why Distributed Training? Speedup!
Year | Author | GPU | Batch Size | # GPU | TIME (s) | ACC |
2016 | He | P100 | 256 | 8 | 104,400 | 75.30% |
2019 | Yamazaki | V100 | 81,920 | 2048 | 72 | 75.08% |
Dealing with Data
- At each training step, we want to ensure that each worker receives unique data
- This can be done in one of two ways:
- Manually partition data (ahead of time)
- Assign unique subsets to each worker
- Each worker can only see their local portion of the data
- Most common approach
- From each worker, randomly select a mini-batch
- Each worker can see the full dataset
- ⚠️ When randomly selecting, it is important that each worker uses different seeds to ensure they receive unique data
- Manually partition data (ahead of time)
Broadcast Initial State
- At the start of training (or when loading from a checkpoint), we want all of our workers to be initialized consistently
- Broadcast the model and optimizer states from
rank() == 0
- Broadcast the model and optimizer states from
Best Practices
- Use parallel IO whenever possible
- Feed each rank from different files
- Use MPI IO to have each rank read its own batch from a file
- Use several ranks to read data, MPI to scatter to remaining ranks
- Most practical in big at-scale training
- Take advantage of data storage
- Use the right optimizations for Aurora, Polaris, etc.
- Preload data when possible
- Offloading to a GPU frees CPU cycles for loading the next batch of data
- minimize IO latency this way
- Offloading to a GPU frees CPU cycles for loading the next batch of data
- Communication Bottleneck
Data Parallelism
- Useful when model fits on single GPU
- ultimately limited by GPU memory
- When model does not fit on a single GPU:
- PyTorch + FSDP
Going beyond Data Parallelism: ZeRO
- Depending on the
stage (1, 2, 3), we can offload:- Stage 1: optimizer states
- Stage 2: gradients + opt. states
- Stage 3: model params + grads + opt. states
Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP)
- Instead of maintaining per-GPU copy of
{params, grads, opt_states}
, FSDP shards (distributes) these across data-parallel workers- can optionally offload the sharded model params to CPU
- Introducing PyTorch Fully Sharded Data Parallel (FSDP) API | PyTorch
Pipeline Parallel (PP)
- Model is split up vertically (layer-level) across multiple GPUs
- Each GPU:
- has a portion of the full model
- processes in parallel different stages of the pipeline (on a small chunk of the batch)
Tensor Parallel (TP)
- Each tensor is split up into multiple chunks
- Each shard of the tensor resides on its designated GPU
- During processing each shard gets processed separately (and in parallel) on different GPUs
- synced at the end of the step
- This is what one may call horizontal parallelism
See: 🤗 Model Parallelism for additional details
Model Parallel Training
- Split up network over multiple workers
- Each receives disjoint subset
- All communication associated with subsets are distributed
- Communication whenever dataflow between two subsets
- Typically more complicated to implement than data parallel training
- Suitable when the model is too large to fit onto a single device (CPU / GPU)
- 🤗
Tensor (/ Model) Parallel Training: Example
Want to compute:
where each GPU only has only its portion of the full weights as shown below
- Compute:
- Compute:
- Compute:
Tensor (Model) Parallelism2
- In Tensor Paralleism each GPU processes only a slice of a tensor and only aggregates the full tensor for operations that require the whole thing.
- The main building block of any transformer is a fully connected
followed by a nonlinear activation GeLU.Y = GeLU(XA)
, where X and Y are the input and output vectors, and A is the weight matrix.
- If we look at the computation in matrix form, it’s easy to see how the matrix multiplication can be split between multiple GPUs:
- The main building block of any transformer is a fully connected
Tensor Parallelism
3D Parallelism
(3D) Parallelism
Deciding on a Parallelism Strategy
- Model fits onto a single GPU:
- Normal use
- Model DOES NOT fit on a single GPU:
+ Offload CPU (or, optionally,NVMe
- Largest layer DOES NOT fit on a single GPU:
+ Enable Memory Centric Tiling (MCT)- MCT Allows running of arbitrarily large layers by automatically splitting them and executing them sequentially.
- Model DOES NOT fit onto a single GPU
With sufficiently fast connectivity between nodes, these three strategies should be comparable.
- Otherwise,
- Otherwise,
When you have fast inter-node connectivity:
(virtually NO modifications)PP
(less communication, at the cost of MAJOR modifications)when you have slow inter-node connectivity and still low on GPU memory:
is almost always used within a single node, e.g.
Large Language Models
Emergent Abilities
Training LLMs
Life-Cycle of the LLM
- Data collection + preprocessing
- Pre-training
- Architecture decisions, model size, etc.
- Supervised Fine-Tuning
- Instruction Tuning
- Alignment
- Deploy (+ monitor, re-evaluate, etc.)
Life-Cycle of the LLM
- Data collection + preprocessing
- Pre-training
- Architecture decisions, model size, etc.
- Supervised Fine-Tuning
- Instruction Tuning
- Alignment
- Deploy (+ monitor, re-evaluate, etc.)
Forward Pass
Generating Text
Hands On
ALCF_Hands_on_HPC_Workshop / ml-at-scale
🌱 Clone Repositories
🐍 Setup Python
$ export PBS_O_WORKDIR=$(pwd) && source deps/ezpz/src/ezpz/bin/
Using WORKING_DIR: /eagle/argonne_tpc/foremans/tmp/2024-10-26-094746
$ ezpz_setup_python
No conda_prefix OR virtual_env found in environment...
Setting up conda...
Lmod is automatically replacing "nvhpc/23.9" with "gcc-native/12.3".
Lmod is automatically replacing "PrgEnv-nvhpc/8.5.0" with "PrgEnv-gnu/8.5.0".
Due to MODULEPATH changes, the following have been reloaded:
1) cray-mpich/8.1.28
Found conda at: /soft/applications/conda/2024-04-29/mconda3
No VIRTUAL_ENV found in environment!
- Trying to setup from /soft/applications/conda/2024-04-29/mconda3
- Using VENV_DIR=/eagle/argonne_tpc/foremans/tmp/2024-10-26-094746/venvs/2024-04-29
- Creating a new virtual env on top of 2024-04-29 in /eagle/argonne_tpc/foremans/tmp/2024-10-26-094746/venvs/2024-04-29
[python] Using /eagle/argonne_tpc/foremans/tmp/2024-10-26-094746/venvs/2024-04-29/bin/python3
Setup Job
$ ezpz_setup_job
[🍋 ezpz/bin/]
• USER=foremans
• MACHINE=polaris
• HOST=x3205c0s25b0n0
• TSTAMP=2024-10-26-094841
[ezpz_get_pbs_env]: Caught 0 arguments
• hostfile: /var/spool/pbs/aux/
• jobenv_file: /home/foremans/.pbsenv
• Using hostfile: /var/spool/pbs/aux/
• Found in environment:
• HOSTFILE: /var/spool/pbs/aux/
• Writing PBS vars to: /home/foremans/.pbsenv
• Setting:
• HOSTFILE: /var/spool/pbs/aux/
• JOBENV_FILE: /home/foremans/.pbsenv
• [host:0] -
• [host:1] -
• HOSTFILE=/var/spool/pbs/aux/
• DIST_LAUNCH=mpiexec --verbose --envall -n 8 -ppn 4 --hostfile /var/spool/pbs/aux/ --cpu-bind depth -d 8
• To launch across all available GPUs, use: launch
launch = mpiexec --verbose --envall -n 8 -ppn 4 --hostfile /var/spool/pbs/aux/ --cpu-bind depth -d 8
📦 Install {ezpz, wordplay}
🚀 Launch ezpz.test_dist
$ which launch
launch: aliased to mpiexec --verbose --envall -n 4 -ppn 4 --hostfile /var/spool/pbs/aux/ --cpu-bind depth -d 16
$ which python3
$ launch python3 -m ezpz.test_dist
Connected to tcp://
Found executable /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/venvs/2024-04-29/bin/python3
Launching application cff755ee-557e-4df2-a987-db85a8b7dbe7
[2024-07-17 07:35:30.304306][INFO][__init__:156] - Setting logging level to 'INFO' on 'RANK == 0'
[2024-07-17 07:35:30.307036][INFO][__init__:157] - Setting logging level to 'CRITICAL' on all others 'RANK != 0'
[2024-07-17 07:35:30.307494][INFO][__init__:160] - To disable this behavior, and log from ALL ranks (not recommended), set: 'export LOG_FROM_ALL_RANKS=1' in your environment, and re-run.
[2024-07-17 07:35:32.116037][INFO][dist:358] - [device='cuda'][rank=2/3][local_rank=2/3][node=0/0]
[2024-07-17 07:35:32.116089][INFO][dist:358] - [device='cuda'][rank=3/3][local_rank=3/3][node=0/0]
[2024-07-17 07:35:32.116940][INFO][dist:358] - [device='cuda'][rank=1/3][local_rank=1/3][node=0/0]
[2024-07-17 07:35:32.122726][INFO][dist:95] -
• DEVICE=cuda
• DEVICE_ID=cuda:0
• HOSTS=['']
• HOSTFILE=/var/spool/pbs/aux/
• MACHINE=Polaris
• RANK=0
• LAUNCH_CMD=mpiexec --verbose --envall -n 4 -ppn 4 --hostfile /var/spool/pbs/aux/ --cpu-bind depth -d 16
[2024-07-17 07:35:32.124800][INFO][dist:725] - [0/4] Using device='cuda' with backend='DDP' + 'nccl' for distributed training.
[2024-07-17 07:35:32.129169][INFO][dist:358] - [device='cuda'][rank=0/3][local_rank=0/3][node=0/0]
[2024-07-17 07:35:32.129674][WARNING][dist:364] - Using [4 / 4] available "cuda" devices !!
[2024-07-17 07:35:32.130219][INFO][dist:874] - Setting up wandb from rank: 0
[2024-07-17 07:35:32.130638][INFO][dist:875] - Using: WB PROJECT: ezpz.test_dist
wandb: Using wandb-core as the SDK backend. Please refer to for more information.
wandb: Currently logged in as: foremans (aurora_gpt). Use `wandb login --relogin` to force relogin
wandb: Tracking run with wandb version 0.17.4
wandb: Run data is saved locally in /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/wandb/run-20240717_073532-p49rzxtv
wandb: Run `wandb offline` to turn off syncing.
wandb: Syncing run vibrant-river-284
wandb: ⭐️ View project at
wandb: 🚀 View run at
[2024-07-17 07:35:33.171085][INFO][dist:905] - W&B RUN: [vibrant-river-284](
[2024-07-17 07:35:33.182307][INFO][dist:312] - Updating vibrant-river-284 config with "DIST_INFO"
[2024-07-17 07:35:33.186499][INFO][dist:938] - Running on machine='Polaris'
[2024-07-17 07:35:33.187790][INFO][dist:95] -
• os=1.082196831703186e-06
• logging=4.507601261138916e-07
• typing=2.9457733035087585e-06
• pathlib=1.3122335076332092e-06
• ezpz=6.109476089477539e-07
• torch=2.9457733035087585e-06
• torch_ddp=2.314336597919464e-06
• wandb=1.842435449361801e-05
• total=3.0086375772953033e-05
[2024-07-17 07:35:33.188979][INFO][dist:95] -
• warmup=0
• log_freq=1
• batch_size=64
• input_size=128
• output_size=128
• dtype=torch.float32
• device=cuda
• world_size=4
• train_iters=100
[2024-07-17 07:35:34.761945][INFO][test_dist:183] - model=Network(
(layers): Sequential(
(0): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=1024, bias=True)
(1): Linear(in_features=1024, out_features=512, bias=True)
(2): Linear(in_features=512, out_features=256, bias=True)
(3): Linear(in_features=256, out_features=128, bias=True)
(4): Linear(in_features=128, out_features=128, bias=True)
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.943300][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=1, loss=2152.41, sps=1.697e+04, dt=0.00377066, dtf=0.001003, dtb=0.002768
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.948048][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=2, loss=1577.24, sps=3.611e+04, dt=0.00177221, dtf=0.0005256, dtb=0.001247
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.952085][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=3, loss=1201.25, sps=3.59e+04, dt=0.00178271, dtf=0.0004875, dtb=0.001295
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.956071][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=4, loss=1034.03, sps=3.704e+04, dt=0.0017279, dtf=0.0005082, dtb=0.00122
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.959944][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=5, loss=875.796, sps=3.825e+04, dt=0.00167313, dtf=0.0005121, dtb=0.001161
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.963806][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=6, loss=817.544, sps=3.804e+04, dt=0.00168248, dtf=0.0004651, dtb=0.001217
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.967806][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=7, loss=734.838, sps=3.536e+04, dt=0.0018099, dtf=0.0004969, dtb=0.001313
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.971741][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=8, loss=741.583, sps=3.682e+04, dt=0.00173809, dtf=0.0004537, dtb=0.001284
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.975672][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=9, loss=738.157, sps=3.717e+04, dt=0.0017217, dtf=0.0004635, dtb=0.001258
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.979537][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=10, loss=727.255, sps=3.857e+04, dt=0.00165911, dtf=0.0004897, dtb=0.001169
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.983367][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=11, loss=715.534, sps=3.979e+04, dt=0.00160845, dtf=0.0004246, dtb=0.001184
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.987262][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=12, loss=693.96, sps=3.791e+04, dt=0.00168827, dtf=0.0004543, dtb=0.001234
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.991156][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=13, loss=693.518, sps=3.815e+04, dt=0.00167748, dtf=0.0004182, dtb=0.001259
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.994942][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=14, loss=675.289, sps=4.003e+04, dt=0.00159879, dtf=0.0004048, dtb=0.001194
[2024-07-17 07:35:36.999681][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=15, loss=677.706, sps=4.062e+04, dt=0.0015755, dtf=0.0004248, dtb=0.001151
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.003599][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=16, loss=671.639, sps=3.754e+04, dt=0.00170499, dtf=0.000416, dtb=0.001289
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.007565][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=17, loss=652.219, sps=3.704e+04, dt=0.00172777, dtf=0.0004208, dtb=0.001307
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.011753][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=18, loss=633.308, sps=3.191e+04, dt=0.00200554, dtf=0.0004193, dtb=0.001586
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.015595][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=19, loss=635.459, sps=3.845e+04, dt=0.0016645, dtf=0.0004236, dtb=0.001241
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.019356][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=20, loss=626.979, sps=4.033e+04, dt=0.00158685, dtf=0.0004225, dtb=0.001164
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.023081][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=21, loss=612.352, sps=4.105e+04, dt=0.00155914, dtf=0.0004169, dtb=0.001142
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.026861][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=22, loss=609.89, sps=4.004e+04, dt=0.00159827, dtf=0.0004155, dtb=0.001183
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.030555][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=23, loss=602.673, sps=4.258e+04, dt=0.00150295, dtf=0.0004166, dtb=0.001086
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.034382][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=24, loss=613.106, sps=3.918e+04, dt=0.00163367, dtf=0.0004164, dtb=0.001217
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.038129][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=25, loss=644.755, sps=4.173e+04, dt=0.00153368, dtf=0.0004175, dtb=0.001116
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.041943][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=26, loss=789.106, sps=4.049e+04, dt=0.00158053, dtf=0.0004397, dtb=0.001141
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.045705][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=27, loss=691.36, sps=4.166e+04, dt=0.00153641, dtf=0.0004157, dtb=0.001121
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.049496][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=28, loss=657.228, sps=4.018e+04, dt=0.00159288, dtf=0.0004209, dtb=0.001172
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.053229][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=29, loss=633.212, sps=4.19e+04, dt=0.0015274, dtf=0.0004288, dtb=0.001099
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.057013][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=30, loss=640.29, sps=4.012e+04, dt=0.00159538, dtf=0.0004144, dtb=0.001181
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.060722][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=31, loss=604.287, sps=4.21e+04, dt=0.00152018, dtf=0.000398, dtb=0.001122
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.064489][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=32, loss=640.15, sps=4.079e+04, dt=0.00156912, dtf=0.0004007, dtb=0.001168
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.068206][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=33, loss=585.789, sps=4.238e+04, dt=0.00151007, dtf=0.0004199, dtb=0.00109
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.071974][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=34, loss=591.99, sps=4.053e+04, dt=0.00157917, dtf=0.000434, dtb=0.001145
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.075702][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=35, loss=618.223, sps=4.168e+04, dt=0.00153538, dtf=0.0004152, dtb=0.00112
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.079496][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=36, loss=572.365, sps=3.998e+04, dt=0.0016008, dtf=0.0004108, dtb=0.00119
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.083250][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=37, loss=573.749, sps=4.276e+04, dt=0.00149675, dtf=0.0004123, dtb=0.001084
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.086969][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=38, loss=580.662, sps=4.136e+04, dt=0.00154751, dtf=0.0004129, dtb=0.001135
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.090636][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=39, loss=568.836, sps=4.311e+04, dt=0.0014847, dtf=0.000409, dtb=0.001076
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.094396][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=40, loss=551.294, sps=4.145e+04, dt=0.00154388, dtf=0.0004118, dtb=0.001132
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.098103][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=41, loss=573.647, sps=4.352e+04, dt=0.00147048, dtf=0.0003977, dtb=0.001073
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.101867][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=42, loss=545.584, sps=4.257e+04, dt=0.00150354, dtf=0.000433, dtb=0.001071
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.105639][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=43, loss=544.877, sps=4.322e+04, dt=0.00148085, dtf=0.0004117, dtb=0.001069
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.109471][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=44, loss=559.886, sps=4.028e+04, dt=0.00158879, dtf=0.0004254, dtb=0.001163
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.113186][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=45, loss=534.895, sps=4.311e+04, dt=0.00148444, dtf=0.0004153, dtb=0.001069
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.116972][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=46, loss=536.457, sps=4.099e+04, dt=0.00156151, dtf=0.0004113, dtb=0.00115
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.120710][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=47, loss=548.508, sps=4.183e+04, dt=0.00152993, dtf=0.0004151, dtb=0.001115
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.124552][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=48, loss=532.186, sps=4.051e+04, dt=0.0015798, dtf=0.0004379, dtb=0.001142
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.128266][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=49, loss=519.254, sps=4.272e+04, dt=0.0014981, dtf=0.0004164, dtb=0.001082
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.131975][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=50, loss=535.535, sps=4.16e+04, dt=0.00153862, dtf=0.0004304, dtb=0.001108
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.135717][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=51, loss=520.722, sps=4.136e+04, dt=0.00154757, dtf=0.0004158, dtb=0.001132
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.139451][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=52, loss=513.063, sps=4.147e+04, dt=0.00154317, dtf=0.0004138, dtb=0.001129
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.143231][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=53, loss=514.546, sps=4.038e+04, dt=0.0015848, dtf=0.0004149, dtb=0.00117
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.146971][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=54, loss=506.488, sps=4.137e+04, dt=0.00154701, dtf=0.0004132, dtb=0.001134
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.150659][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=55, loss=503.01, sps=4.319e+04, dt=0.0014817, dtf=0.000415, dtb=0.001067
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.154441][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=56, loss=506.116, sps=4.06e+04, dt=0.00157637, dtf=0.0004211, dtb=0.001155
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.158180][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=57, loss=485.523, sps=4.287e+04, dt=0.00149301, dtf=0.000414, dtb=0.001079
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.161931][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=58, loss=489.076, sps=4.185e+04, dt=0.00152915, dtf=0.0004162, dtb=0.001113
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.165759][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=59, loss=484.844, sps=4.134e+04, dt=0.00154802, dtf=0.0004119, dtb=0.001136
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.169483][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=60, loss=496.104, sps=4.209e+04, dt=0.00152069, dtf=0.0003993, dtb=0.001121
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.173190][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=61, loss=467.599, sps=4.221e+04, dt=0.00151621, dtf=0.0004142, dtb=0.001102
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.176950][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=62, loss=480.055, sps=4.187e+04, dt=0.00152868, dtf=0.0004138, dtb=0.001115
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.181194][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=63, loss=483.146, sps=3.656e+04, dt=0.00175062, dtf=0.0006253, dtb=0.001125
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.185018][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=64, loss=479.273, sps=4.099e+04, dt=0.00156151, dtf=0.0004447, dtb=0.001117
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.188752][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=65, loss=464.753, sps=4.189e+04, dt=0.00152781, dtf=0.0004161, dtb=0.001112
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.192464][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=66, loss=462.583, sps=4.188e+04, dt=0.00152824, dtf=0.0004138, dtb=0.001114
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.196126][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=67, loss=461.665, sps=4.272e+04, dt=0.00149801, dtf=0.0004293, dtb=0.001069
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.199838][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=68, loss=465.25, sps=4.118e+04, dt=0.00155412, dtf=0.0004298, dtb=0.001124
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.203602][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=69, loss=460.897, sps=4.01e+04, dt=0.00159593, dtf=0.0004131, dtb=0.001183
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.207372][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=70, loss=456.136, sps=4.106e+04, dt=0.00155887, dtf=0.00041, dtb=0.001149
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.211089][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=71, loss=447.565, sps=4.158e+04, dt=0.00153923, dtf=0.0004113, dtb=0.001128
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.214861][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=72, loss=444.733, sps=4.05e+04, dt=0.00158026, dtf=0.0004127, dtb=0.001168
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.218601][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=73, loss=459.152, sps=4.123e+04, dt=0.00155234, dtf=0.0004201, dtb=0.001132
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.222334][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=74, loss=444.6, sps=4.226e+04, dt=0.00151444, dtf=0.0004371, dtb=0.001077
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.226042][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=75, loss=439.884, sps=4.29e+04, dt=0.001492, dtf=0.0004154, dtb=0.001077
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.229838][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=76, loss=438.578, sps=4.086e+04, dt=0.00156632, dtf=0.0004418, dtb=0.001125
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.233560][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=77, loss=431.993, sps=4.327e+04, dt=0.00147909, dtf=0.0004096, dtb=0.00107
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.237367][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=78, loss=422.338, sps=4.057e+04, dt=0.00157754, dtf=0.0004468, dtb=0.001131
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.241117][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=79, loss=427.973, sps=4.288e+04, dt=0.00149254, dtf=0.000415, dtb=0.001077
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.244895][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=80, loss=418.703, sps=4.06e+04, dt=0.00157617, dtf=0.0004137, dtb=0.001162
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.248740][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=81, loss=427.645, sps=4.031e+04, dt=0.00158766, dtf=0.000415, dtb=0.001173
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.252447][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=82, loss=417.629, sps=4.227e+04, dt=0.00151406, dtf=0.0004149, dtb=0.001099
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.256190][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=83, loss=411.667, sps=4.189e+04, dt=0.00152778, dtf=0.0004357, dtb=0.001092
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.259935][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=84, loss=409.366, sps=4.144e+04, dt=0.0015445, dtf=0.0004575, dtb=0.001087
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.263677][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=85, loss=409.511, sps=4.232e+04, dt=0.00151228, dtf=0.0004035, dtb=0.001109
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.267463][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=86, loss=409.593, sps=4.101e+04, dt=0.00156049, dtf=0.0004028, dtb=0.001158
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.271174][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=87, loss=408.794, sps=4.3e+04, dt=0.00148828, dtf=0.0004006, dtb=0.001088
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.274926][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=88, loss=403.151, sps=4.091e+04, dt=0.00156441, dtf=0.000415, dtb=0.001149
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.278633][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=89, loss=402.182, sps=4.26e+04, dt=0.00150243, dtf=0.0004147, dtb=0.001088
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.282372][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=90, loss=387.829, sps=4.216e+04, dt=0.00151793, dtf=0.0004411, dtb=0.001077
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.286102][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=91, loss=393.108, sps=4.308e+04, dt=0.00148558, dtf=0.0004167, dtb=0.001069
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.289904][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=92, loss=389.039, sps=4.103e+04, dt=0.00155996, dtf=0.0004359, dtb=0.001124
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.293618][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=93, loss=383.54, sps=4.322e+04, dt=0.00148092, dtf=0.0004147, dtb=0.001066
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.297401][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=94, loss=384.459, sps=4.1e+04, dt=0.00156106, dtf=0.0004164, dtb=0.001145
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.301172][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=95, loss=376.397, sps=4.191e+04, dt=0.0015272, dtf=0.0004129, dtb=0.001114
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.304924][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=96, loss=389.544, sps=4.091e+04, dt=0.00156433, dtf=0.0004139, dtb=0.00115
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.308641][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=97, loss=365.041, sps=4.343e+04, dt=0.00147362, dtf=0.0004165, dtb=0.001057
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.312398][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=98, loss=358.427, sps=4.134e+04, dt=0.00154796, dtf=0.0004143, dtb=0.001134
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.561881][INFO][test_dist:274] - iter=99, loss=375.596, sps=258.9, dt=0.247161, dtf=0.1969, dtb=0.05026
train/dt [2024-07-17-073537]
0.247┤ ▝│
│ │
│ │
0.206┤ │
│ │
│ │
0.165┤ │
│ │
0.124┤ │
│ │
│ │
0.083┤ │
│ │
│ │
0.042┤ │
│ │
│ │
1.0 25.5 50.0 74.5 99.0
train/dt iter
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.589287][INFO][plot:156] - Appending plot to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/test-dist-plots/train/dt.txt
text saved in /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/test-dist-plots/train/dt.txt
train/dtf [2024-07-17-073537]
0.197┤ ▝│
│ │
│ │
0.164┤ │
│ │
│ │
0.131┤ │
│ │
0.099┤ │
│ │
│ │
0.066┤ │
│ │
│ │
0.033┤ │
│ │
│ │
1.0 25.5 50.0 74.5 99.0
train/dtf iter
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.603242][INFO][plot:156] - Appending plot to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/test-dist-plots/train/dtf.txt
text saved in /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/test-dist-plots/train/dtf.txt
train/dtb [2024-07-17-073537]
0.0503┤ ▝│
│ │
│ │
0.0421┤ │
│ │
│ │
0.0339┤ │
│ │
0.0257┤ │
│ │
│ │
0.0175┤ │
│ │
│ │
0.0093┤ │
│ │
│ │
1.0 25.5 50.0 74.5 99.0
train/dtb iter
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.615896][INFO][plot:156] - Appending plot to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/test-dist-plots/train/dtb.txt
text saved in /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/test-dist-plots/train/dtb.txt
train/loss [2024-07-17-073537]
2152.4┤▘ │
│ │
│ │
1853.4┤ │
│ │
│▗ │
1554.4┤ │
│ │
1255.4┤ │
│ ▗ │
│ │
956.4┤ ▘ │
│ ▖ │
│ ▝ ▖ │
657.4┤ ▝▘▀▝▘▚▖▄ ▗ ▄ │
│ ▝▘▀▝▘▘ ▝▘▀▗▘▚▗▄▗▖▄▗ ▗ │
│ ▘▘▝▘▀▘▀▝▘▞▗▘▄▖▄▗▖▄▗▖▄▗▄ │
358.4┤ ▝▘▀▝▘▀▝▀▝▘▀▝▖▚▝▖▄│
1.0 25.5 50.0 74.5 99.0
train/loss iter
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.655339][INFO][plot:156] - Appending plot to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/test-dist-plots/train/loss.txt
text saved in /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/test-dist-plots/train/loss.txt
train/iter [2024-07-17-073537]
99.0┤ ▗▗▖▀│
│ ▄▝▘▘ │
│ ▗▖▞▝▘ │
82.7┤ ▄▗▘▀ │
│ ▖▄▝▘ │
│ ▗▗▖▀▝ │
66.3┤ ▄▝▘▘ │
│ ▗▖▞▝▘ │
50.0┤ ▄▗▘▀ │
│ ▖▄▝▘ │
│ ▗▗▖▀▝ │
33.7┤ ▄▝▘▘ │
│ ▗▖▞▝▘ │
│ ▄▗▘▀ │
17.3┤ ▖▄▝▘ │
│ ▗▗▖▀▝ │
│ ▄▝▘▘ │
1.0┤▖▞▝▘ │
1.0 25.5 50.0 74.5 99.0
train/iter iter
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.669214][INFO][plot:156] - Appending plot to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/test-dist-plots/train/iter.txt
text saved in /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/test-dist-plots/train/iter.txt
train/sps [2024-07-17-073537]
43523.3┤ ▖▗ ▖▗ ▖▗ ▖▝ ▚▘▝ ▖▗ ▘▗▖▗▖▖ ▖▄ ▗▖▝ ▖ ▗▖▗ ▘▗▞ ▘▗ ▘ │
│ ▖ ▗▘ ▗▝▖ ▀▗ ▖▝▝ ▖▝ ▘ ▖▝ ▘▝▀▗▘▝ ▝ ▝ ▘▞▝▘▘ ▘▝ ▚ ▝ ▘▝ ▝ ▘▝ ▘│
│ ▖▀ ▖▞ ▞ ▄ ▘ ▝ │
36312.5┤▝▝ ▗ ▝ │
│ ▖ │
│ │
29101.8┤ │
│ │
21891.1┤ │
│ │
│▖ │
14680.4┤ │
│ │
│ │
7469.7┤ │
│ │
│ │
258.9┤ ▗│
1.0 25.5 50.0 74.5 99.0
train/sps iter
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.681268][INFO][plot:156] - Appending plot to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/test-dist-plots/train/sps.txt
text saved in /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/test-dist-plots/train/sps.txt
PyInstrument Profile
Recorded: 07:35:34 Samples: 2227
Duration: 2.948 CPU time: 5.441
PyInstrument: v4.6.2
Program: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/ezpz/src/ezpz/
2.948 <module> ezpz/
└─ 2.946 main ezpz/
├─ 2.043 build_model_and_optimizer ezpz/
│ └─ 2.011 Adam.__init__ torch/optim/
│ [129 frames hidden] torch, wandb, transformers, jax, func...
├─ 0.326 _forward_step ezpz/
│ ├─ 0.279 DistributedDataParallel._wrapped_call_impl torch/nn/modules/
│ │ [13 frames hidden] torch, wandb, <built-in>
│ │ 0.273 Network._call_impl torch/nn/modules/
│ │ └─ 0.076 Network.forward ezpz/
│ │ └─ 0.076 Sequential._wrapped_call_impl torch/nn/modules/
│ │ [7 frames hidden] torch, <built-in>
│ └─ 0.046 calc_loss ezpz/
├─ 0.254 _backward_step ezpz/
│ ├─ 0.177 Tensor.backward torch/
│ │ [4 frames hidden] torch, <built-in>
│ └─ 0.077 wrapper torch/optim/
│ [5 frames hidden] torch
├─ 0.119 tplot_dict ezpz/
│ └─ 0.069 show plotext/
│ [5 frames hidden] plotext
├─ 0.102 logging/
│ [6 frames hidden] logging, rich
│ 0.102 RichHandler.emit rich/
│ └─ 0.100 Console.print ezpz/log/
│ └─ 0.100 Console.print rich/
│ [5 frames hidden] rich
└─ 0.099 Run.wrapper wandb/sdk/
[13 frames hidden] wandb, json
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.876629][INFO][profile:115] - Saving pyinstrument profile output to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/ezpz_pyinstrument_profiles
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.877255][INFO][profile:123] - PyInstrument profile saved (as html) to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/ezpz_pyinstrument_profiles/pyinstrument-profile-2024-07-17-073537.html
[2024-07-17 07:35:37.877936][INFO][profile:131] - PyInstrument profile saved (as text) to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/ezpz_pyinstrument_profiles/pyinstrument-profile-2024-07-17-073537.txt
[2024-07-17 07:35:38.391628][INFO][profile:143] - Finished with pyinstrument profiler. Took: 2.94768s
[2024-07-17 07:35:38.392519][INFO][test_dist:318] - [0] runtime=8.075730s
wandb: 🚀 View run vibrant-river-284 at:
wandb: Find logs at: wandb/run-20240717_073532-p49rzxtv/logs
Application cff755ee resources: utime=25s stime=23s maxrss=1434396KB inblock=32 oublock=4320 minflt=670179 majflt=864 nvcsw=195893 nivcsw=1331214
🍋 ezpz
: Example [video]
to train a small model using DDP
Install wordplay
Prepare Data
$ python3 wordplay/data/shakespeare_char/
Using HF_DATASETS_CACHE=/home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/wordplay/data/shakespeare_char/.cache/huggingface
length of dataset in characters: 1,115,394
all the unique characters:
vocab size: 65
train has 1,003,854 tokens
val has 111,540 tokens
Launch Training (DDP)
$ launch python3 -m wordplay \
train.backend=DDP \
train.eval_interval=100 \
data=shakespeare \
train.dtype=bf16 \
model.batch_size=64 \
model.block_size=1024 \
train.max_iters=1000 \
train.log_interval=10 \
train.compile=false \
| tee wordplay-gpt2-DDP.log
[2024-07-17 07:42:11.746540][INFO][__init__:156] - Setting logging level to 'INFO' on 'RANK == 0'
[2024-07-17 07:42:11.748763][INFO][__init__:157] - Setting logging level to 'CRITICAL' on all others 'RANK != 0'
[2024-07-17 07:42:11.749453][INFO][__init__:160] - To disable this behavior, and log from ALL ranks (not recommended), set: 'export LOG_FROM_ALL_RANKS=1' in your environment, and re-run.
[2024-07-17 07:42:11.772718][INFO][configs:81] - Setting HF_DATASETS_CACHE to /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/wordplay/.cache/huggingface/datasets
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.341532][INFO][dist:358] - [device='cuda'][rank=2/3][local_rank=2/3][node=0/0]
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.342381][INFO][dist:358] - [device='cuda'][rank=1/3][local_rank=1/3][node=0/0]
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.342430][INFO][dist:358] - [device='cuda'][rank=3/3][local_rank=3/3][node=0/0]
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.348657][INFO][dist:95] -
• DEVICE=cuda
• DEVICE_ID=cuda:0
• HOSTS=['']
• HOSTFILE=/var/spool/pbs/aux/
• MACHINE=Polaris
• RANK=0
• LAUNCH_CMD=mpiexec --verbose --envall -n 4 -ppn 4 --hostfile /var/spool/pbs/aux/ --cpu-bind depth -d 16
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.351446][INFO][dist:725] - [0/4] Using device='cuda' with backend='DDP' + 'nccl' for distributed training.
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.356169][INFO][dist:358] - [device='cuda'][rank=0/3][local_rank=0/3][node=0/0]
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.356692][WARNING][dist:364] - Using [4 / 4] available "cuda" devices !!
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.359571][INFO][configs:317] - Loading val from /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/wordplay/data/shakespeare_char/val.bin
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.360138][INFO][configs:317] - Loading train from /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/wordplay/data/shakespeare_char/train.bin
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.361154][INFO][configs:442] - Tokens per iteration: 262,144
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.361574][INFO][configs:465] - Using self.ptdtype=torch.float16 on self.device_type='cuda'
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.362002][INFO][configs:471] - Initializing a new model from scratch
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.362529][INFO][dist:874] - Setting up wandb from rank: 0
[2024-07-17 07:42:15.362896][INFO][dist:875] - Using: WB PROJECT: WordPlay
[2024-07-17 07:42:16.451786][INFO][dist:905] - W&B RUN: [still-frog-17](
[2024-07-17 07:42:16.464106][INFO][dist:312] - Updating still-frog-17 config with "DIST_INFO"
[2024-07-17 07:42:16.469424][INFO][dist:938] - Running on machine='Polaris'
[2024-07-17 07:42:16.471151][WARNING][__main__:89] - {
"train": {
"framework": "pytorch",
"backend": "DDP",
"device": null,
"seed": null,
"port": null,
"ds_config_path": null,
"precision": null,
"ngpus": null,
"use_wandb": true,
"eval_interval": 100,
"log_interval": 10,
"eval_iters": 200,
"eval_only": false,
"always_save_checkpoint": false,
"init_from": "scratch",
"wandb_project": "WordPlay",
"max_iters": 1000,
"warmup_iters": 100,
"dtype": "bf16",
"compile": false
"model": {
"n_layer": 12,
"n_head": 12,
"n_embd": 768,
"batch_size": 64,
"block_size": 1024,
"activation": "gelu",
"dropout": 0.0,
"bias": false,
"vocab_size": 65
"data": {
"dataset": "shakespeare_char",
"out_dir": "out-shakespeare-char",
"root_path": null
"optimizer": {
"gas": 1,
"name": "AdamW",
"learning_rate": 0.0006,
"weight_decay": 0.1,
"beta1": 0.9,
"beta2": 0.95,
"grad_clip": 1.0,
"decay_lr": true,
"lr_decay_iters": 600000,
"min_lr": 6e-05
[2024-07-17 07:42:16.474305][WARNING][__main__:90] - Output dir: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/outputs/runs/pytorch/DDP/2024-07-17/07-42-13
[2024-07-17 07:42:16.474922][INFO][trainer:246] - Initializing a new model from scratch
[2024-07-17 07:42:17.258904][INFO][model:255] - number of parameters: 85.00M
[2024-07-17 07:42:17.290004][INFO][trainer:264] - Model size: num_params=85003776
[2024-07-17 07:42:17.292626][INFO][model:445] - num decayed parameter tensors: 50, with 85,771,008 parameters
[2024-07-17 07:42:17.293296][INFO][model:449] - num non-decayed parameter tensors: 25, with 19,200 parameters
[2024-07-17 07:42:17.515324][CRITICAL][trainer:316] - "devid='cuda:1'"
[2024-07-17 07:42:17.515340][CRITICAL][trainer:316] - "devid='cuda:2'"
[2024-07-17 07:42:17.515465][CRITICAL][trainer:316] - "devid='cuda:3'"
[2024-07-17 07:42:18.431814][INFO][model:465] - using fused AdamW: True
[2024-07-17 07:42:18.432620][CRITICAL][trainer:316] - "devid='cuda:0'"
[2024-07-17 07:42:19.951020][INFO][trainer:356] - • self.model=GPT(
(transformer): ModuleDict(
(wte): Embedding(65, 768)
(wpe): Embedding(1024, 768)
(drop): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
(h): ModuleList(
(0-11): 12 x Block(
(ln_1): LayerNorm()
(attn): CausalSelfAttention(
(c_attn): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=2304, bias=False)
(c_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=False)
(attn_dropout): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
(resid_dropout): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
(ln_2): LayerNorm()
(mlp): MLP(
(c_fc): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=False)
(act_fn): GELU(approximate='none')
(c_proj): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=False)
(dropout): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
(ln_f): LayerNorm()
(lm_head): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=65, bias=False)
[2024-07-17 07:42:19.955340][INFO][trainer:357] - • self.grad_scaler=<torch.cuda.amp.grad_scaler.GradScaler object at 0x145a38f0f090>
[2024-07-17 07:42:19.956897][INFO][trainer:358] - • self.model_engine=DistributedDataParallel(
(module): GPT(
(transformer): ModuleDict(
(wte): Embedding(65, 768)
(wpe): Embedding(1024, 768)
(drop): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
(h): ModuleList(
(0-11): 12 x Block(
(ln_1): LayerNorm()
(attn): CausalSelfAttention(
(c_attn): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=2304, bias=False)
(c_proj): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=768, bias=False)
(attn_dropout): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
(resid_dropout): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
(ln_2): LayerNorm()
(mlp): MLP(
(c_fc): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=3072, bias=False)
(act_fn): GELU(approximate='none')
(c_proj): Linear(in_features=3072, out_features=768, bias=False)
(dropout): Dropout(p=0.0, inplace=False)
(ln_f): LayerNorm()
(lm_head): Linear(in_features=768, out_features=65, bias=False)
[2024-07-17 07:42:19.961066][INFO][trainer:359] - • self.optimizer=AdamW (
Parameter Group 0
amsgrad: False
betas: (0.9, 0.95)
capturable: False
differentiable: False
eps: 1e-08
foreach: None
fused: True
lr: 0.0006
maximize: False
weight_decay: 0.1
Parameter Group 1
amsgrad: False
betas: (0.9, 0.95)
capturable: False
differentiable: False
eps: 1e-08
foreach: None
fused: True
lr: 0.0006
maximize: False
weight_decay: 0.0
[2024-07-17 07:42:19.988827][INFO][trainer:802] - Startup time: 6.7125
Training Legend
┃ abbr ┃ desc ┃
│ step │ Current training iteration │
│ loss │ Loss value │
│ dt │ Elapsed time per training step │
│ dtf │ Elapsed time per forward step │
│ dtb │ Elapsed time per backward step │
│ sps │ Samples per second │
│ sps_per_gpu │ Samples per second (per GPU) │
│ tps │ Tokens per second │
│ tps_per_gpu │ Tokens per second (per GPU) │
│ mfu │ Model flops utilization │
│ train_loss │ Training loss value │
│ val_loss │ Validation loss value │
[2024-07-17 07:42:21.451865][INFO][trainer:820] - ['prompt']: 'What is an LLM?'
[2024-07-17 07:42:21.452667][INFO][trainer:824] - ['response']:
What is an LLM?eelEl\'$nltPwBSWal,;PWw bbu\'HiyP\'FWwF &AhW:ygrn kk-\'\'KFlMwnlEfflkc,elpWaWtgml$Pgglhllw lglhFllzczPAFHpeAAPPSltgkrWPPhlEMgcrN ggPWt-WPSSzHSkkrzzk.FFrtSSkgMll&gFXr,hghaueaVPW-pHFF-gg,,,FF,,kbApgg gg\'aWWzzkk\'a\'CggHl$bGeA,FFk,,SF;UF,,aZ ;gglee$,k.US&kg:S,,zVzzc
[2024-07-17 07:43:01.573073][INFO][trainer:885] - step=10 loss=3.154310 dt=0.282833 dtf=0.005247 dtb=0.011417 sps=14.142633 sps_per_gpu=3.535658 tps=926851.609409 tps_per_gpu=231712.902352 mfu=46.288281 train_loss=4.125778 val_loss=4.128809
[2024-07-17 07:43:04.402750][INFO][trainer:885] - step=20 loss=2.660851 dt=0.306263 dtf=0.005233 dtb=0.011419 sps=13.060678 sps_per_gpu=3.265170 tps=855944.613638 tps_per_gpu=213986.153409 mfu=45.934162 train_loss=4.125778 val_loss=4.128809
[2024-07-17 07:43:07.237507][INFO][trainer:885] - step=30 loss=2.543283 dt=0.283021 dtf=0.005238 dtb=0.011245 sps=14.133211 sps_per_gpu=3.533303 tps=926234.088226 tps_per_gpu=231558.522057 mfu=45.966490 train_loss=4.125778 val_loss=4.128809
[2024-07-17 07:43:10.077248][INFO][trainer:885] - step=40 loss=2.503963 dt=0.285001 dtf=0.005213 dtb=0.011471 sps=14.035061 sps_per_gpu=3.508765 tps=919801.749941 tps_per_gpu=229950.437485 mfu=45.963461 train_loss=4.125778 val_loss=4.128809
[2024-07-17 07:43:12.917039][INFO][trainer:885] - step=50 loss=2.477469 dt=0.283532 dtf=0.005166 dtb=0.011294 sps=14.107763 sps_per_gpu=3.526941 tps=924566.380009 tps_per_gpu=231141.595002 mfu=45.984530 train_loss=4.125778 val_loss=4.128809
[2024-07-17 07:43:15.760749][INFO][trainer:885] - step=60 loss=2.471083 dt=0.284630 dtf=0.005140 dtb=0.011224 sps=14.053326 sps_per_gpu=3.513332 tps=920998.786204 tps_per_gpu=230249.696551 mfu=45.985675 train_loss=4.125778 val_loss=4.128809
[2024-07-17 07:43:18.602785][INFO][trainer:885] - step=70 loss=2.458894 dt=0.283926 dtf=0.005219 dtb=0.010383 sps=14.088155 sps_per_gpu=3.522039 tps=923281.352698 tps_per_gpu=230820.338174 mfu=45.998106 train_loss=4.125778 val_loss=4.128809
[2024-07-17 07:43:21.451433][INFO][trainer:885] - step=80 loss=2.489088 dt=0.285537 dtf=0.005183 dtb=0.011373 sps=14.008683 sps_per_gpu=3.502171 tps=918073.060430 tps_per_gpu=229518.265108 mfu=45.983282 train_loss=4.125778 val_loss=4.128809
[2024-07-17 07:43:24.302241][INFO][trainer:885] - step=90 loss=2.471990 dt=0.300767 dtf=0.005445 dtb=0.010290 sps=13.299337 sps_per_gpu=3.324834 tps=871585.359388 tps_per_gpu=217896.339847 mfu=45.737774 train_loss=4.125778 val_loss=4.128809
[2024-07-17 07:43:27.153275][INFO][trainer:885] - step=100 loss=2.445556 dt=0.285869 dtf=0.005182 dtb=0.011251 sps=13.992403 sps_per_gpu=3.498101 tps=917006.151328 tps_per_gpu=229251.537832 mfu=45.743655 train_loss=4.125778 val_loss=4.128809
[2024-07-17 07:43:28.182553][INFO][trainer:820] - ['prompt']: 'What is an LLM?'
[2024-07-17 07:43:28.183179][INFO][trainer:824] - ['response']:
What is an LLM?
Goupay my winghimithell bls ger t bon sinthard ht omind be,
And lereind h py balithand frd oforondof wimon me hageas thinero mand,
An frift ghik med d herthecke ntore thack couthen ale, t thit ang d m t h chy me fache ag, wit my hathan glat ng
[2024-07-17 07:44:06.025837][INFO][trainer:760] - Saving checkpoint to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/outputs/runs/pytorch/DDP/2024-07-17/07-42-13
[2024-07-17 07:44:06.026607][INFO][trainer:761] - Saving model to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/outputs/runs/pytorch/DDP/2024-07-17/07-42-13/model.pth
[2024-07-17 07:44:07.682968][INFO][configs:141] - Appending /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/outputs/runs/pytorch/DDP/2024-07-17/07-42-13 to /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/wordplay/src/ckpts/checkpoints.log
[2024-07-17 07:44:10.519506][INFO][trainer:885] - step=110 loss=2.433923 dt=0.285038 dtf=0.005757 dtb=0.011762 sps=14.033209 sps_per_gpu=3.508302 tps=919680.367894 tps_per_gpu=229920.091974 mfu=45.762304 train_loss=2.439494 val_loss=2.478951
[2024-07-17 07:44:13.362148][INFO][trainer:885] - step=120 loss=2.429014 dt=0.284445 dtf=0.005222 dtb=0.011486 sps=14.062460 sps_per_gpu=3.515615 tps=921597.361532 tps_per_gpu=230399.340383 mfu=45.788661 train_loss=2.439494 val_loss=2.478951
[2024-07-17 07:44:16.210694][INFO][trainer:885] - step=130 loss=2.402059 dt=0.285559 dtf=0.005199 dtb=0.011765 sps=14.007633 sps_per_gpu=3.501908 tps=918004.211586 tps_per_gpu=229501.052897 mfu=45.794438 train_loss=2.439494 val_loss=2.478951
[2024-07-17 07:44:19.061546][INFO][trainer:885] - step=140 loss=2.374062 dt=0.285476 dtf=0.005239 dtb=0.011453 sps=14.011662 sps_per_gpu=3.502916 tps=918268.297093 tps_per_gpu=229567.074273 mfu=45.800956 train_loss=2.439494 val_loss=2.478951
[2024-07-17 07:44:21.917283][INFO][trainer:885] - step=150 loss=2.365385 dt=0.285846 dtf=0.005125 dtb=0.011320 sps=13.993568 sps_per_gpu=3.498392 tps=917082.475791 tps_per_gpu=229270.618948 mfu=45.800900 train_loss=2.439494 val_loss=2.478951
[2024-07-17 07:44:24.771924][INFO][trainer:885] - step=160 loss=2.317337 dt=0.280788 dtf=0.005173 dtb=0.011249 sps=14.245602 sps_per_gpu=3.561401 tps=933599.792506 tps_per_gpu=233399.948127 mfu=45.883340 train_loss=2.439494 val_loss=2.478951
[2024-07-17 07:44:27.626812][INFO][trainer:885] - step=170 loss=2.256231 dt=0.284973 dtf=0.005141 dtb=0.011299 sps=14.036416 sps_per_gpu=3.509104 tps=919890.544506 tps_per_gpu=229972.636126 mfu=45.889069 train_loss=2.439494 val_loss=2.478951
[2024-07-17 07:44:30.480952][INFO][trainer:885] - step=180 loss=2.216419 dt=0.286555 dtf=0.005180 dtb=0.011402 sps=13.958906 sps_per_gpu=3.489726 tps=914810.852170 tps_per_gpu=228702.713043 mfu=45.868857 train_loss=2.439494 val_loss=2.478951
[2024-07-17 07:44:33.337342][INFO][trainer:885] - step=190 loss=2.145123 dt=0.291456 dtf=0.005409 dtb=0.019347 sps=13.724205 sps_per_gpu=3.431051 tps=899429.467247 tps_per_gpu=224857.366812 mfu=45.773849 train_loss=2.439494 val_loss=2.478951
[2024-07-17 07:44:36.194584][INFO][trainer:885] - step=200 loss=2.068149 dt=0.285703 dtf=0.005153 dtb=0.011286 sps=14.000555 sps_per_gpu=3.500139 tps=917540.393411 tps_per_gpu=229385.098353 mfu=45.778791 train_loss=2.439494 val_loss=2.478951
[2024-07-17 07:44:37.224149][INFO][trainer:820] - ['prompt']: 'What is an LLM?'
[2024-07-17 07:44:37.224745][INFO][trainer:824] - ['response']:
What is an LLM?
No, sighappat selace? don downd sourciceans note cancen up sof liond
This and my man, werame, of re thee
Thise not will I on land brond sul me a fingore?
Tisint your not nare lame o igen,-to brorst.
I\'l hell she lor hen w
[2024-07-17 07:45:14.409129][INFO][trainer:760] - Saving checkpoint to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/outputs/runs/pytorch/DDP/2024-07-17/07-42-13
[2024-07-17 07:45:14.409820][INFO][trainer:761] - Saving model to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/outputs/runs/pytorch/DDP/2024-07-17/07-42-13/model.pth
[2024-07-17 07:45:16.366935][INFO][configs:141] - Appending /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/outputs/runs/pytorch/DDP/2024-07-17/07-42-13 to /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/wordplay/src/ckpts/checkpoints.log
[2024-07-17 07:45:19.245061][INFO][trainer:885] - step=210 loss=1.982169 dt=0.283305 dtf=0.005223 dtb=0.011284 sps=14.119042 sps_per_gpu=3.529760 tps=925305.515083 tps_per_gpu=231326.378771 mfu=45.822019 train_loss=2.045786 val_loss=2.148510
[2024-07-17 07:45:22.092430][INFO][trainer:885] - step=220 loss=1.897731 dt=0.284759 dtf=0.005217 dtb=0.011187 sps=14.046945 sps_per_gpu=3.511736 tps=920580.608106 tps_per_gpu=230145.152026 mfu=45.837327 train_loss=2.045786 val_loss=2.148510
[2024-07-17 07:45:24.942639][INFO][trainer:885] - step=230 loss=1.817213 dt=0.285266 dtf=0.005208 dtb=0.011446 sps=14.022003 sps_per_gpu=3.505501 tps=918945.985503 tps_per_gpu=229736.496376 mfu=45.842940 train_loss=2.045786 val_loss=2.148510
[2024-07-17 07:45:27.797910][INFO][trainer:885] - step=240 loss=1.779287 dt=0.285465 dtf=0.005189 dtb=0.011220 sps=14.012250 sps_per_gpu=3.503062 tps=918306.793546 tps_per_gpu=229576.698387 mfu=45.844800 train_loss=2.045786 val_loss=2.148510
[2024-07-17 07:45:30.653597][INFO][trainer:885] - step=250 loss=1.704220 dt=0.289284 dtf=0.005471 dtb=0.010346 sps=13.827253 sps_per_gpu=3.456813 tps=906182.836379 tps_per_gpu=226545.709095 mfu=45.785926 train_loss=2.045786 val_loss=2.148510
[2024-07-17 07:45:33.512769][INFO][trainer:885] - step=260 loss=1.671318 dt=0.287679 dtf=0.005125 dtb=0.011250 sps=13.904380 sps_per_gpu=3.476095 tps=911237.442617 tps_per_gpu=227809.360654 mfu=45.758182 train_loss=2.045786 val_loss=2.148510
[2024-07-17 07:45:36.373461][INFO][trainer:885] - step=270 loss=1.650952 dt=0.298661 dtf=0.005118 dtb=0.011520 sps=13.393107 sps_per_gpu=3.348277 tps=877730.651421 tps_per_gpu=219432.662855 mfu=45.565875 train_loss=2.045786 val_loss=2.148510
[2024-07-17 07:45:39.236930][INFO][trainer:885] - step=280 loss=1.573242 dt=0.285970 dtf=0.005171 dtb=0.011290 sps=13.987477 sps_per_gpu=3.496869 tps=916683.279847 tps_per_gpu=229170.819962 mfu=45.587333 train_loss=2.045786 val_loss=2.148510
[2024-07-17 07:45:42.100605][INFO][trainer:885] - step=290 loss=1.533265 dt=0.286487 dtf=0.005432 dtb=0.011288 sps=13.962259 sps_per_gpu=3.490565 tps=915030.617828 tps_per_gpu=228757.654457 mfu=45.598392 train_loss=2.045786 val_loss=2.148510
[2024-07-17 07:45:44.964424][INFO][trainer:885] - step=300 loss=1.492064 dt=0.288480 dtf=0.005355 dtb=0.011480 sps=13.865774 sps_per_gpu=3.466443 tps=908707.340870 tps_per_gpu=227176.835218 mfu=45.576766 train_loss=2.045786 val_loss=2.148510
[2024-07-17 07:45:45.995833][INFO][trainer:820] - ['prompt']: 'What is an LLM?'
[2024-07-17 07:45:45.996497][INFO][trainer:824] - ['response']:
What is an LLM?
Char stire? how in those are name the range hone.
Nay, in lond's time the palt are worder more
That wilt in the purpose be a pey
And thou thine onter hands, and the which broth.
At lie my lord with the me an arms be a s
[2024-07-17 07:46:23.549987][INFO][trainer:760] - Saving checkpoint to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/outputs/runs/pytorch/DDP/2024-07-17/07-42-13
[2024-07-17 07:46:23.550696][INFO][trainer:761] - Saving model to: /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/outputs/runs/pytorch/DDP/2024-07-17/07-42-13/model.pth
[2024-07-17 07:46:25.496559][INFO][configs:141] - Appending /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/outputs/runs/pytorch/DDP/2024-07-17/07-42-13 to /home/foremans/tmp/polaris-talk/2024-07-17-073327/wordplay/src/ckpts/checkpoints.log
[2024-07-17 07:46:28.374854][INFO][trainer:885] - step=310 loss=1.444200 dt=0.299907 dtf=0.005333 dtb=0.010637 sps=13.337481 sps_per_gpu=3.334370 tps=874085.133345 tps_per_gpu=218521.283336 mfu=45.384395 train_loss=1.495372 val_loss=1.713714
[2024-07-17 07:46:31.223079][INFO][trainer:885] - step=320 loss=1.429350 dt=0.285238 dtf=0.005245 dtb=0.011485 sps=14.023353 sps_per_gpu=3.505838 tps=919034.479880 tps_per_gpu=229758.619970 mfu=45.435743 train_loss=1.495372 val_loss=1.713714
[2024-07-17 07:46:34.074957][INFO][trainer:885] - step=330 loss=1.362220 dt=0.285027 dtf=0.005165 dtb=0.011407 sps=14.033736 sps_per_gpu=3.508434 tps=919714.904826 tps_per_gpu=229928.726207 mfu=45.485355 train_loss=1.495372 val_loss=1.713714
[2024-07-17 07:46:36.929464][INFO][trainer:885] - step=340 loss=1.350888 dt=0.284436 dtf=0.005199 dtb=0.011287 sps=14.062893 sps_per_gpu=3.515723 tps=921625.744709 tps_per_gpu=230406.436177 mfu=45.539549 train_loss=1.495372 val_loss=1.713714
: Example [video]
❤️ Thank you!
= batch_size per GPU↩︎Efficient Large-Scale Language Model Training on GPU Clusters↩︎
↩︎Figure from The Illustrated Transformer↩︎
Figure from The Illustrated Transformer↩︎
Video from: 🤗 Generation with LLMs↩︎
Video from: 🤗 Generation with LLMs↩︎
author = {Foreman, Sam},
title = {Deep {Learning} and {Foundation} {Models} at {Scale}},
date = {2024-10-29},
url = {},
langid = {en}