The new Megatron-DeepSpeed release contains a variety of improvements / optimizations to enable pre-training Transformer based architectures with significantly longer sequences than was previously possible.
Enabled attention map memory optimization, where we first generated attention mask on CPU memory and then moved it into GPU memory to avoid out-of-memory errors when training with very large sequence lengths.
Position embedding partitioning, where we split weights of position encoding across all GPUs when enabling sequence parallel to further reduce the memory footprint.
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cd ./genslm/examples/long-sequences# create a new virtual environmentmkdir-p"venvs/${MACHINE}/${CONDA_DATE}"python3-m venv "venvs/${MACHINE}/${CONDA_DATE}"--system-site-packagessource"venvs/${MACHINE}/${CONDA_DATE}/bin/activate"
Create a new folder (genslm/examples/long-sequences/deps/${MACHINE}) where weโll installing dependencies locally:
We provide below the details needed to install each of the required dependencies.
These newly introduced optimizations, in combination with ZeRO-Offload allows us to go even further.
By employing ZeRO-Offloading, we are able to free up additional memory which can be used for even longer sequences.
Though work is still ongoing, this is a promising direction that will allow us to consider significantly larger genomes than previously possible.
We use Weights & Biases to track these experiments, and have aggregated our initial results in the W&B Report below.
We can evaluate the performance of our model by looking at two different metrics for throughput: samples_per_sec and TFLOPS.
Explicitly, we see that we are able to scale up to significantly longer sequences (420k / 128k ~ 3.3x) with only a minimal impact on throughput performance (81 / 105 ~ 77\%)4.
Table 2: Impact on TFLOPS as a function of increasing sequence length. Table from: throughput/TFLOPS
Sequence Length (k)
(seq_len / min_seq_len)
TFLOPS (% of peak)
Figure 3: Weights & Biases Report
The described experiments were performed on 4 NVIDIA DGX A100-40GB nodes, all using TPSIZE=32[^tpsize], connected through 8 HDR InfiniBand (200Gb/s per HDR).โฉ๏ธ
---# sidebar: falsetitle: "๐ Loooooooong Sequence Lengths"# created: "2023-09-08"date: "2024-02-12"callout-appearance: simple# render-on-save: trueexecute: freeze: autocategories: - AuroraGPT# lightbox: auto# format:# # html:# html:# format: default# gfm:# author: Sam Foreman# output-file: ""---::: {#fig-ds4sci style="text-align:center;"}[![](]{.stretch}This work was done as part of the DeepSpeed4Science project, in collaboration with Microsoft.:::The new [Megatron-DeepSpeed]( contains a variety of improvements / optimizations to enablepre-training Transformer based architectures with significantly longersequences than was previously possible.<!-- > **Note**<br> --><!-- > Additional details can be found in the --><!-- > [๐ `DeepSpeed4Science`]( --><!-- > folder. -->::: {.callout-note icon=false title="๐ Note:" collapse="false" style="width:100%; background: none!important; border: none!important; border-left: 2px solid var(--callout-note-color)!important; border-radius: 0pt!important; opacity: 100%;"}Additional details can be found in the[๐ `DeepSpeed4Science`]( [DeepSpeed4Science]( (09/2023)### New Features- Enabled Megatron-LM's sequence parallel.- Enabled rotary positional embedding.- Enabled FlashAttention v1 and v2.- Enabled new fused kernels from NVIDIA.### New optimizations- Enabled attention map memory optimization, where we first generatedattention mask on CPU memory and then moved it into GPU memory to avoidout-of-memory errors when training with very large sequence lengths.- Position embedding partitioning, where we split weights of positionencoding across all GPUs when enabling sequence parallel to further reducethe memory footprint.### Initial Results| Sequence Length | Old Megatron-DeepSpeed (TFLOPS) | New Megatron-DeepSpeed (TFLOPS) ||:---------------:|:--------------------------------:|:--------------------------------:|| 2k | [25]{style="text-weight:600;"} | [68]{style="text-weight:600;"} || 4k | [28]{style="text-weight:600;"} | [80]{style="text-weight:600;"} || 8k | [OOM]{.red-text} | [86]{style="text-weight:600;"} || 16k | [OOM]{.red-text} | [92]{style="text-weight:600;"} || 32k | [OOM]{.red-text} | [100]{style="text-weight:600;"} || 64k | [OOM]{.red-text} | [106]{style="text-weight:600;"} || 128k | [OOM]{.red-text} | [119]{style="text-weight:600;"} || 256k | [OOM]{.red-text} | [94]{style="text-weight:600;"} |: Long sequence length support[^settings] from [`microsoft/Megatron-DeepSpeed`]( {#tbl-results .striped .hover}[^settings]: The described experiments were performed on 4 NVIDIA DGX A100-40GB nodes, allusing `TPSIZE=32`[^tpsize], connected through 8 HDR InfiniBand (200Gb/s perHDR). [^tpsize]:| TP stands for `tensor-model-parallel-size` parallelism.```{python}#| code-fold: true#| code-summary: "Imports + Setup"#| echo: false%matplotlib inlineimport matplotlib_inlineimport osimport numpy as npimport datetimefrom typing import Tupleimport matplotlib.pyplot as pltfrom pathlib import Pathfrom ambivalent import STYLESimport seaborn as snsimport seaborn as snssns.set_context('talk')#set_plot_style()matplotlib_inline.backend_inline.set_matplotlib_formats('svg')'default')# set_plot_style()['ambivalent'])plt.rcParams['ytick.labelsize'] =14.0plt.rcParams['xtick.labelsize'] =14.0plt.rcParams['grid.alpha'] =0.4grid_color = plt.rcParams['grid.color']def save_figure( fname: str, outdir: os.PathLike,): pngdir = Path(outdir).joinpath('pngs') svgdir = Path(outdir).joinpath('svgs') pngdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) svgdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True) pngfile = pngdir.joinpath(f'{fname}.png') svgfile = svgdir.joinpath(f'{fname}.svg') _ = plt.savefig(pngfile, dpi=400, bbox_inches='tight') _ = plt.savefig(svgfile, dpi=400, bbox_inches='tight')``````{python}#| code-fold: true#| code-summary: Datagpus = ('32', '64', '128')colors = {'Old Megatron-DS': '#FF5252','Megatron-LM': '#76b900','New Megatron-DS': '#1A8FFF',}data = {'25B': {'Old Megatron-DS': np.array([36, 42, 42]),'Megatron-LM': np.array([26, 48, 52]),'New Megatron-DS': np.array([192, 448, 512]), },'33B': {'Old Megatron-DS': np.array([28, 32, 32]),'Megatron-LM': np.array([14, 46, 52]),'New Megatron-DS': np.array([128, 384, 448]), },}```::: {#fig-seq-len style="background-color:none;"}```{python}#| code-fold: true#| code-summary: Make the plots#| layout-nrow: 1#| layout-ncol: 2#| fig-cap:#| - "GPT-`25B` Model"#| - "GPT-`33B` Model"x = np.arange(len(gpus))width =0.25multiplier =0outdir = Path(os.getcwd()).joinpath('assets')outdir.mkdir(exist_ok=True, parents=True)improvement = {}for idx, (model_size, d) inenumerate(data.items()): multiplier =0 figure, axes = plt.subplots(figsize=(7.5, 4)) fig = plt.gcf() ax = plt.gca()for label, value in d.items(): offset = width * multiplier rects = ax.barh( x + offset, value, width, label=label, color=colors[label], alpha=0.8 ) ax.bar_label( rects, padding=3, color=colors[label], family='monospace', weight='bold' ) multiplier +=1 ax.set_ylabel('GPUs', fontsize=18, family='sans-serif', loc='center', ) ax.set_yticks(x + width, gpus) plt.figtext(0.005, 0.93, f"{model_size}", fontsize=24, fontweight='bold', ha='left' ) ax.set_xlabel('Sequence Length (k)', fontsize=18, loc='center' ) ax.legend( bbox_to_anchor=(0.005, 1.04, 0.99, .098), alignment='center', edgecolor="#83838320", frameon=True, ncols=3, fontsize=13, mode="expand", borderaxespad=0.01 ) save_figure(fname=f'{model_size}', outdir=outdir) _ =```Pre-training with long sequence support across different model sizes and numbersof GPUs.In each case, the `new` (current) implementation **significantly**outperforms both NVIDIA/Megatron-LM as well as our previous implementation.:::## Installation### Using [``]( {.callout-tip title="Installation" collapse="false" style="width:100%;"}**Important**<br>To install, simply:```bashgit clone GenSLM/examples/long-sequences/./``````Explicitly,[`./`]( **Automatically** create a virtual environment _on top of_ the latest `conda` module2. Install (+ update[^update]) / build all the required [dependencies](#dependencies) into this virtual environment:::[^update]:| 2. `deepspeed-0.10.3` 1. `pytorch==2.0.0+cu118`### Step-by-StepFor completeness, we describe below the steps for installing and building eachof the dependencies.1. Clone GitHub repo:```bashgit clone``````2. Load `conda` module: - ThetaGPU:```bash# ThetaGPU:if[["$(hostname)==theta*"]];thenexportMACHINE="ThetaGPU"exportCONDA_DATE="2023-01-10"module load conda/2023-01-11conda activate basefi```- Polaris:```bash# Polaris:if[["$(hostname)==x3*"]];thenexportMACHINE="Polaris"exportCONDA_DATE="2023-01-10"module load conda/2023-01-10-unstableconda activate basefi```3. Setup Virtual Environment[^venv]:```bashcd ./genslm/examples/long-sequences# create a new virtual environmentmkdir-p"venvs/${MACHINE}/${CONDA_DATE}"python3-m venv "venvs/${MACHINE}/${CONDA_DATE}"--system-site-packagessource"venvs/${MACHINE}/${CONDA_DATE}/bin/activate"``````4. Create a new folder (`genslm/examples/long-sequences/deps/${MACHINE}`)wherewe'll installing dependencies locally: ```bash mkdir -p "deps/${MACHINE}" cd "deps/${MACHINE}" ```[^venv]: Where `"${MACHINE}"` $\in$ `{"ThetaGPU", "Polaris"}` and `"${CONDA_DATE}"` $\in$ `{"2023-01-10", "2023-01-11"}`#### DependenciesWe provide below the details needed to install each of the required dependencies.<details><summary>[{{< fa brands github >}} `saforem2/ezpz`](</summary>1. [{{< fa brands github >}} `saforem2/ezpz`]( ```bash pip install -e "git+" ```</details><details><summary>[{{< fa brands github >}} `Microsoft/DeepSpeed`](</summary>2. [{{< fa brands github >}} `Microsoft/DeepSpeed`]( ```bash git clone cd DeepSpeed python3 -m pip install -e . ``````</details><details><summary>[{{< fa brands github >}} `Microsoft/Megatron-DeepSpeed`](</summary>3. [{{< fa brands github >}} `Microsoft/Megatron-DeepSpeed`]( ```bash git clone ```</details><details><summary> [{{< fa brands github >}} `NVIDIA/apex`](</summary>4. [{{< fa brands github >}} `NVIDIA/apex`]( ```bash git clone cd ../apex/ pip install -v --disable-pip-version-check --no-cache-dir --no-build-isolation --global-option="--cpp_ext" --global-option="--cuda_ext" -e ./ ``````</details><details><summary>[{{< fa brands github >}} `pybind/PyBind11`](</summary>5. [{{< fa brands github >}} `pybind/PyBind11`]( ```bash pip install pybind11 ``````</details><details><summary>[{{< fa brands github >}} `Dao-AILab/flash-attention`](</summary>6. [{{< fa brands github >}} `Dao-AILab/flash-attention`]( ::: {.callout-caution title="Flash Attention" collapse="true" style="font-size:0.8em; width:100%;"} - The new release supports three different implementations of FlashAttention: (`v1.0.4`, `v2.x`, `triton`) - FlashAttention `v2.x` may have numerical instability issues. For the best performance, we recommend using FlashAttention + Triton ::: - `v1.0.4`: ```bash python3 -m pip install flash-attn==1.0.4 ``` - `v2.x`: ```bash git clone cd flash-attention python3 install ``` - `openai/triton`: ```bash git clone -b legacy-backend cd triton/python python3 -m pip install cmake python3 -m pip install . ```</details>## RunningThe [`ALCF/`](./ALCF/) directory contains shell scripts for setting up theenvironment and specifying the options to be used when launching.Various options can be specified dynamically at runtime by setting them in yourenvironment, e.g.:```bashMODEL_SIZE_KEY="GPT25B" SEQ_LEN=128000 USE_FLASH_ATTN=1 MICRO_BATCH=1 GAS=1 SP_TYPE="megatron" ZERO_STAGE=1 ./ALCF/``````Explicitly:- [`ALCF/`](./ALCF/ **Main entry point for training** - This script will **automatically** source the rest of the required [`ALCF/*.sh`](./ALCF/) scripts below- [`ALCF/`](./ALCF/ Contains some example model architectures for GPT3-style models- [`ALCF/`](./ALCF/ Logic for parsing / setting up runtime options for Megatron and DeepSpeed- [`ALCF/`](./ALCF/ Locate and activate virtual environment to be used, ensure MPI variables are set properly- [`ALCF/`](./ALCF/ Identify available resources and build the command to be executed - i.e. figure out how many: `{nodes, GPUs per node, GPUs total}`, to pass to `mpi{run,exec}` - then, use this to build `mpiexec <mpiexec-args> python3`## ZeRO Offloading[๐ **W&B Report**: _Looooooooong Sequences_]( newly introduced optimizations, in combination with[ZeRO-Offload]( allows us to go even further.By employing ZeRO-Offloading, we are able to free up additional memory whichcan be used for _even longer_ sequences.Though work is still ongoing, this is a promising direction that will allow usto consider significantly larger genomes than previously possible.We use [Weights \& Biases]( to track these experiments, andhave aggregated our initial results in the [W\&BReport]( can evaluate the performance of our model by looking at two differentmetrics for throughput: `samples_per_sec` and `TFLOPS`.Explicitly, we see that we are able to scale up to significantly longersequences (`420k / 128k ~ 3.3x`) with only a minimal impact on throughputperformance (`81 / 105 ~ 77\%`)[^tflops-scaling].| Name | Sequence Length (k) | (`seq_len / min_seq_len`) | TFLOPS | TFLOPS (% of peak) ||:------:|:-------------------:|:-----------------------:|:--------:|:------------------:|| GPT25B | 420 | [**3.28125**]{.blue-text} | 81.77225 | [**77.867**]{.blue-text} || GPT25B | 400 | 3.125 | 90.62 | 86.297 || GPT25B | 360 | 2.8125 | 81.6325 | 77.7348 || GPT25B | 360 | 2.8125 | 82.6824 | 78.7346 || GPT25B | 192 | 1.5 | 115.8228 | 110.2927 || GPT25B | 128 | 1 | 106.672 | 101.5788 || GPT25B | 128 | 1 | 105.014 | 100.00 |: Impact on TFLOPS as a function of increasing sequence length. Table from: [`throughput/TFLOPS`]( {#tbl-seqlen .striped .hover}<!-- [^config]: Using: `{model_size: 25B, WORLD_SIZE: 32, micro_batch: 1}` -->[^tflops-scaling]: [`throughput/TFLOPS`](<!-- <iframe src="" style="border:none;height:1024px;width:100%"> -->::: {#fig-wandb}::: {style="padding:0.5rem; border: 1px solid var(--dim-text); border-radius: 0.2rem;"}<iframe src="" style="border:none;height:1024px;width:100%"></iframe>:::Weights \& Biases Report:::